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Bob's Children

Date:    Wed, 8 Nov 1995 16:59:30 -0500
From:    Joe McKeon (logo@PASSPORT.CA)
Subject: Bob's Children Revisited Again

There has been some loose talk lately, and some loose spelling, concerning
the names and ages of Bob s children.

Shelton (page 474) says that on March 1, 1977, Bob and Sara were doing the
divorce thing, arguing about their children, Maria (15), Jesse (11), Anna
(9), Samuel (8), and Jacob (6).

That means that on March 1, 1995 their ages were--

Maria 33
Jesse 29
Anna 27
Samuel 26
Jacob 24

The older girl, Maria, was Sara s by a former marriage, and adopted by Bob.

Of course, in truth, we are all Bob's children, all of us.

Date: Thu, 9 Nov 1995 18:08:37 GMT From: nate (nates@LL.MIT.EDU) Subject: Re: Dylan's Kids In article <47muam$>, says... > >Peter Himmelman? W/Anna? i think it's time we got all of our facts straight. i have been building up the following diagram below and still have some missing fields. this post doesnt make me feel very comfortable - sort of sharing space with the likes of A.J.Weberman, but there have been a number of inquiries along this line. EDLIS would like a correct diagram for historical accuracy. - nate Zusha Zimmerman Anna _____ (see Dylan's blood daughter name) | | +---+----+----+---+ | | | | ? ... | mother's maiden name, parents Abram Zimmerman Beatty _____(--- should be available in Heylin's book. | | +---+-----+---+ | | | ?...("God, I dont even know that!", - Dont Look Back) | Robert Allen Zimmerman (Bob Dylan) Sara Hans Lownds b.24may1941 | | | | m.22nov1965-dv.29jun1977 | +----+------+ +---1----------2---------3---------4---+ | | | | | Maria Peter Jesse Byron Abram Anna Samuel Jakob b.1961/2 Himmelman b. summer 1966 b.1967 b.1969 b.1971 a.1965 | | | | +-----+-----+ | | | Wallflower's | ? ? ? lead singer Raina Himmelman & songwriter b.1993?
Subject: Re: Jakob and Bob From: Wallflwr95 Date: 27 Mar 1999 15:09:52 GMT Wait a minute, I have a problem with says Samuel was born in '69, and Jakob was born in '71. That would make Jakob turning 27 last December, and he would turn 28 this yr. Jakob is 29 right now, and he is going to be 30 in December because he was born in '69. The dates work out *only* if Jake was born in '69. "she hopped like an owl, only to fall like a sparrow"
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 1995 17:37:48 GMT From: Jeff Rosenberg JfryBlair (jrosnbrg@WORLDWEB.NET) Subject: Re: Handing Out Free Tickets to the Wedding of His Son? MAZEL TOV BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Singing:) Simmen tov umazel tov, simmen tov umazel tov, simmen tov umazel tov, simmen tov umazel tov, simmen tov umazel tov, simmen tov umazel tov yehei lanu... (translation: "Congratulations Bob!... Good signs and good luck, may it be with us...") Oh that is wonderful news... thoughts of Bob being happy make me happy... you can call me sick, you can call me obsessed, but youre gonna hafta serve somebody... (Martin Grossman) says: > >The current issue of the Forward, a weekly serving a national Jewish readership has an article on the recent wedding of one of Bob's >sons (it doesn't say which one). I'll post it if I get time to type it all out, perhaps this Sunday. For those still wondering, "is he or isn't >he?" Bob is described as a full religious participant in what is clearly an orthodox shindig, something that would not be allowed if he >were still regarded as an apostate. > >A relevant passage: > >"Born Robert Zimmerman, it seems he is no stranger to God, having prayed to God in so many forms over the years. And >yet there he was, next to the rabbi, bearing his quarter of the chuppah." > >Bob was wearing "dark glasses and a black velvet yarmulke" and stodd next to the rabbi while holding of four tree >branches of the chuppah [wedding canopy], which is given "high marks for both symbolism and aesthetics." > > The article appears under the byline of John Paul Danko (he's from Tennessee, so it's unlikely he's related to Rick) and is called >"When A Catholic Guy Danced the Hora with Bob Dylan." As a result of his experience, the writer has decided he likes Jewish >weddings, especailly the singing and dancing: > >" A ten-piece orchestra called everyone to the floor for the traditional wedding dance. I knew nothing of the dance, though now I >know it well. Thes song began ecstatically as I was taken in hand from either side and sent galloping around the dance floor. All the >guests had joined hands, forming several concentric circles. We hopped around laughing, swirling, as the bride and groom took to >the center of the circle -- two birds in the center of a storm. Every few moments we surged forward and let out a great cheer. I can >think of no better way to begin a party > >"This madness continued unabated for some time until the bride and groom were swept into the air atop two chairs. The bearers >carried them as as the dancers swirled and cheered, and the bride and groom held between them a white cloth through which they >remained united." > >Marty Grossman >
Subject: Re: Jakob and Bob From: Alan Fraser ( Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 08:45:26 GMT ... Just to recap, Bob's sons are Jesse, Samuel and Jacob (now Jakob) in that order. Seth is David Zimmerman's son, Bob's nephew. I guess he was born between Samuel and Jacob. Scaduto got it wrong, and Spitz repeated Scaduto's error. Alan
From: Shiphour ( Date: 30 Mar 1999 16:58:00 GMT Zusha/Zigman/Zisel/Ziske Zimmerman's (1875-1936) wife was Anna (Chana) Greenstein (c. 1878-1955), the paternal grandmother of Bobby and David. Beatty, of course, was a Stone, though I don't think she ever actually toured with Mick, Keith, and the boys. Stone was the name taken by Beatty's father, when he changed it from Solemovitz. Parts of Dylan's genealogy can now, thanks mainly to David Engel's book, _Dylan in Minnesota_, be traced as far back as some of his maternal great-great grandparents. Back beyond the Zimmermans and Solemovitzes, there are Greensteins, Edelsteins, Jaffes, Arenses, and names still [forever?] unknown.
Subject: Re: Jakob and Bob From: Bobluvver ( Date: 30 Mar 1999 01:45:07 GMT computer database where i work lists samuels dob as 7/30/68
Hello!, July 18, 2024: Meet Bob Dylan's six children — ... The "Lay Lady Lay" singer is a devoted father

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